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Refining Purpose® is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering individuals impacted by the foster care system to embrace self-sufficient productive lives. Self-sufficiency is defined by recent research as "the realization of an acceptable level of functioning either by oneself or by adequately organizing the help of informal or formal care providers"(Lauriks et al., 2014). Individuals in foster care are more likely to encounter abuse, neglect, homelessness, mental health issues, substance use and abandonment. Adoptees are 4 times more likely than non-adopted children to attempt suicide. These are just a few of the problems impacting a child's ability to achieve a healthy life and career stability. Our mentorship program, blogs, video podcasts and partnerships diversely support adoptees, foster youth and emancipated foster youth on all walks of life to ultimately cultivate self-sufficiency.

Our Story

Refining Purpose, Inc. was fueled by a powerful journey and started off with a vague paper outline. During a year and a half long process filled with tearful nights and hard truths, Founder and CEO Darla Cozzarelli found her adopted siblings and reconnected with biological relatives, a time in which she felt compelled to make a difference in the lives of other adoptees who may have struggled with the complexities of adoption. This was the start of Refining Purpose. 

Embrace your vision. Own your purpose. Make it reality. 

Refining Purpose®

Our Mission
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